Equine Nova

What is Reiki...

“Reiki” (ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy, and is also a word used to describe a system of natural healing, This tradition was founded by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication. We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things. When this energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us, and we experience a sense of well being. There are many variations of Reiki, but in essence Reiki treatments can help the body emotionally and spiritually. It is a tradition that is open to any belief system. Reiki treatment is a process that anyone can enjoy in the normal course of their life. Reiki can be used alongside other conventional or complementary treatments and often helps to provide emotional support during recovery. The practice is taught by Reiki Masters & Teachers who have trained in the tradition passed on in person from master to student.

What is Horsemanship...

After 37 years working and being with horses for most of my life, I want to bring with me an understanding of what it means to bring on a young horse from the early age of 2+ years old. Being able to educate them to a level that includes long-reigning, the formula of "how to lunge" but also ensuring that there is no pressure by lunging in walk only and walking in lunge in small circles and outwards to larger circles is an effective way to teach them this. This in effect teaches them the "method" without harming their joints at this point in time. I also de-sensitise young horses to traffic which has included trains, lorries, buses, vans, cars, cyclists, joggers and even dog walkers! This valuable knowledge and understanding helps them by creating a solid foundation of education that will go with them when their owners are happy and confident that they have an educated horse to move on with.

The flip side to this is having the experience of bringing horses back into work, through no fault of their own, they may have been previously injured due to their athletic level of SJ or XC or put out to pasture for a long period of time and then they are required to be brought back into work. It involves an individual understanding of why the horse is required to be brought back into work and at what level they were at prior to being turned out. Also the level of work required versus the time it takes to warm up properly, stretching and cooling down correctly, to ensure each and every time they are handled, lunged and ridden that you know that they are in very capable hands.

I spent time in Ireland within an Equestrian Rehabilitation Centre that rescued horses who had been severely abused and neglected. Some stallions were historically electrocuted to become "submissive" versus mares who had been literally stitched up the rear to ensure they would never become into foal. The time and patience that was required to be a part of a team that helped rehabilitate these horses and to allow them time to realise that not all humans are inhumane. I learned more from these horses than all the horses I had ever worked with or helped with at any BHS approved riding school in Scotland.

Why Horses Love Receiving Energy Healing...

Your horse fully understands the natural laws of energy and are able to relax easily into it. Universal energy healing is relaxing by nature and horses love to relax and take it in. They can be very expressive once connected with the healing energy being offered, by yawning, licking and chewing and relax in size by lowering their head to the ground. Horses LOVE connecting energetically, they are connected to each other in the herd and they also love connecting with humans. Horses are also great healers themselves, often showing areas of ourselves which need healing. They can tune into our true feelings.

Horses do not judge humans, they judge:

Our Behaviour
Our Energy
Our Intensions

Physical, Behavioral & Emotional Healing

Equine Nova
Physical problems
healing can help...

Speeds up Injury Recovery
Sweet Itch
Head Shaking
Digestive Problems
Eases Muscle Tension

Equine Nova
Behavioral problems
healing can help...

Stable Vices
Travel Issues

Equine Nova
Emotional problems
healing can help...

Bad Experiences
Dietary Changes
Competition Stress
Training Issues

The Benefits of Equine Reiki Healing...

Anything is possible with energy healing and common healing effects are relaxation, peace and wellbeing that can lead to physical, emotional and spiritual improvement. Healing can maintain your horse's health. It speeds up healing of injuries. It can help heal abused horses from past mental and physical trauma. It's non-invasive, painless and gentle, yet powerful and can do no harm. It can be offered hands on or from a distance and can be adapted to suit each horse. The healing sessions I offer will create and support energetic balance for your horse. It can be used alone or to compliment other therapies.

A blockage of energy in a horse can result in a physical, psychological or behavioral problems. Energy healing boosts performance, promotes relaxation and balances the horse's whole body. Energy healing restores positive energy flow into your horse and correcting imbalances. Horses are life force beings (the same as us) and our horses give us so much! Give back some pure, positive, life force energy with Equine Reiki Healing for your horse!

Equestrian Body Linguistics...

I have successfully completed Equestrian Body Linguistics courses to enable me to become an equestrian trainer. This means that I am fully qualified and insured, I can hone in on my own skills learned to deepen my connection with horses.  It allows me to anticipate a horses behaviour before they act. Understanding equine body linguistics is a fully comprehensive course that allows me to be able to back and bring on wild horses with confidence. I am passionate about all levels of training and know that each horse will require a detailed training plan that will allow both horse and trainer to work together at a pace that is mostly comfortable for the horse. This training method is suitable for all levels of horses and ponies who may have not been previously handled and horses who may require to improve their groundwork skills, horses who have developed behavioural problems or horses who are needing support throughout their education at all levels. Through training and dedication over the years, I have been able to help rehabilitate horses who have been seriously abused and neglected in the past and learned through patience and gentle handling that horses can, with time, be able to realise that not all humans are inhumane... If you have a horse that you feel would benefit from the skills I have mentioned then please don't hesitate to get in touch, so we can discuss the best way forward for you and your horse on a very individual basis.

Equine Nova

" a life without horses... is no life at all..."

"It is my life's purpose to be with horses and to ensure that the upmost care is given to each horse on an individual basis...

Warmest wishes,

Livery Yards, Stables & Remote Working...

I currently travel to all livery yards & stables within a 50 mile radius of Edinburgh. I tend to have monthly appointments that are booked in advance by several horse owners for a specific date. It is important that you are with your horse, it will comfort them having you there and it will also act as an introduction to me for all my services!

In Person Equine Reiki Healing sessions always last as long as your horse needs it to, they are given the freedom to move off or away from any chakra being rebalanced, they will always tell me when they have received enough energy healing on each chakra.  I can also continue to use reiki directly onto an area of your horse that is needing energy healing and most reiki sessions last around 1 hour.

Natural Horsemanship & Online sessions are purely based on an individual basis and I would recommend you get in touch to discuss your requirements. This will allow me to properly understand them and to discuss their best options moving forward with you. This service has taken off better than I ever expected it to, more and more people are wanting the assistance required to help bring their horse on and also bring their horse back in to work. I work with both ends of the spectrum and everything in between. This benefits your time and I can work with you from anywhere in the UK. Please get in touch to find out how we can work together.

My Portfolio

Equine Nova
Equine Nova
Equine Nova
Equine Nova
Equine Nova
Equine Nova


I have known Julia for many years and know just how much she loves horses and how passionate she is about her work. Julia has done a few sessions of Equine Healing on my ex racehorse, Tilly and she always relaxes and enjoys her balancing healing sessions! I see a massive difference in Tilly whenever Julia has worked her magic. I cannot recommend her highly enough! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Equine Nova

Tracey Deans & Tilly

Julia started her very first reiki healing session with Frosty, she concentrated mostly on the poll (crown chakra) and unknown to Julia, Frosty had previously banged the top of his head at least twice on the top bar of the stable door! Frosty really settled into his energy healing session and was almost asleep by the end, he did have the option to walk away at any point if he chose to but he was really happy and receptive to the healing, therefore I would highly recommend Equine Reiki Healing and Julia to work her magic ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Equine Nova

Jennifer McIntosh & Frosty

Julia did an equine healing session on Golden Rose today and it was amazing. Golden Rose has not had a good upbringing and this was felt strongly by Julia and it was very emotional. I would highly recommend her! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Equine Nova

Claire Curtis & Golden Rose

It was Pie and my first experience of Reiki healing and it blew me away. Julia was so open to him that he immediately used her as a way to communicate to me his love for me the tears were flowing I can tell you. She also immediately picked up on a digestion problem he has been experiencing lately. I highly recommend Julia for anyone who is interested in Equine Reiki Healing she understands horses and people so well and has a deep empathy for both. I can't thank you enough Julia from me and my boy, Pie! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Equine Nova

Karen McGhee & Pie

Today was an amazing session, Happy really benefited from her Reiki Healing Session and I can definitely say I'd recommend Julia!  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Equine Nova

Amera McGill & Happy

My daughters new pony, Roo had his first session today and I was amazed how well he reacted to Julia. He can be tense and nervous however as soon as Julia started working on him he very quickly relaxed. By the end of the session I thought he was going to fall asleep! You could see him pause and process throughout. Our cheeky boy loved his session, thank you so much Julia. Would highly recommend⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Equine Nova

Katie & Roo

Julia is fantastic! My horse Darla who has been injured very badly was very anxious. She needed help and we now have an idea of what's been going on & a we now have a plan to move forward. I would recommend Julia to all horse owners! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Equine Nova

Nicola Smith & Darla

Equine Nova

Equine Nova

Member of The Reiki Association...

Equine Nova are proud to be a member of The Reiki Association, based in the UK. The Reiki Association is a community of people initiated into Reiki, both in the UK and internationally. Membership of TRA can bring a valuable sense of being part of a wider Reiki community. As a non-profit organisation they support professional Reiki practitioners and those exploring a life with Reiki as a spiritual practice and healing art.

Terms & Conditions...

Equine Reiki Healing & Horsemanship are fully qualified and insured. Each session is given for the purpose of educating youngsters from 2 years old and also bringing horses back into work, stress reduction and to promote both relaxation and healing. Healing is not a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment. Energy healing is used by offering an energetic connection to the horse for balance, support, relaxation and self-healing. Energy healing is not intended to replace or act as an alternative to conventional treatments given by a VET. The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 (amended 1996) prohibits anyone other than a Veterinary Surgeon to diagnose ailments and giving of advice on such a diagnosis.

The Protection of Animals Act 1911 requires that if an animal clearly needs treatment from a Veterinary Surgeon then the owner must obtain this. The healing of animals by contact healing, by the laying on of hands is legal. To give emergency first aid to animals for the purpose of saving a life or relieving pain is permissible under the Veterinary Surgeons Act of 1996.

Get in touch...

I would love to hear from you!
by Edinburgh

Please use the email icon to email me directly or feel free to use the contact form, many thanks!

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